Sunday, August 26, 2007

Flash support for Firefox in Feisty (AMD64)

Well after installing Feisty Fawn , i was always given the annoying message of missing shockwave flash plugin. As a result of which i wasnt able to see the YouTube windows and even some real nice Flash objects. I must say i was late to search for the solution. But once i searched ,i got this page from the Ubuntu forum .
[excerpts from Forum]

Nspluginwrapper Install Script (Updates 8/21/07)
This script will install the nspluginwrapper, and Flash for your 64bit browser. It will not install other plugins. There are other plugins, java being one, that nspluginwrapper can not work with. The script has been updated on 8/21/07. It no longer uses alien, and it will clean out previous installs.
Click here if you want to download the script for Feisty.
Click here if you want to download the script for Edgy or Dapper.

The script also works with the 64bit builds of Swiftweasel, an optimized build of Firefox.

1. Download the script.
2. Right click on the tar.gz and select "Extract Here"
3. Close all browsers.
4. Inside the folder that extracts is a "GetFlash" file, double click on it.
5. Select "Run in Terminal"
6. When the terminal closes, restart your browser.
7. Your done.

How to get help (Please Read Before Making a Post)
If you have any problems and need help please download this version of the script. It is the same script, but it will not clean up after itself. This will make troubleshooting easier. Please also read the included README file for instructions on what information to report in your post...........................................................


Courtesy Kilz of Ubuntu forums.

Here is how my Feisty[Fire]Fox looks now even for YouTube video bars..Lolz

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