Tuesday, May 29, 2007

ALAS I DID IT....grub-install..

With my XP ditchin me , I had no other option to re install my XP. Bt even that failed with me staring @ da monitor on a Windows Logon failure message..XP Sukzz...

Since that failed installation resulted in a MBR rewritting, I had to bring back my Ubuntu back on track. So i popd in ma Ubuntu Dapper drake CD and started accessing Net using it, I REPEAT ACCESSING NET USING A LIVE CD...
So i searched in the Ubuntu forum and found the content to be mre than useful...


Check this out for detailed description.....
Nw am updating the blog by booting in from my Ubuntu frm tha HDD...Ye ye


I repent...Yes i do repent...You wud ask me wt for,.,Well for wasting my money to a buy a plain CD and writing a copy of WindowsXp Pro... I repent because I did piracy wrk..bt i repent for using Windows...

Yesterday, I was happy to find myself kicking some MeTaL AsS of Xan ..(Xan is the vliiain in UT)..I tuk a screenshot of it and wus on cloud 9 . I also figured out that my Zone alram security Suite was ravaged by some virus.(Yea ZoneAlarm is an ANTI-IVRUS + firewall Suite)....SO i downloaded AVG and updated.Upon running a Quick Scan ,it deteced runxppro.exe as a virus ..esp aTrojan/..Realising the threat,i healed it.I didnt realise that it was the last time i was seeing my XP. Yes ,from the next booting .Im nt able to login to Xp as it gets logd out automatically.

La8r i realised that the runxppro.exe ,apart from being a funny process of the Mac Os X theme i installed it was an IMP one too.

But man , i just started hating Windows .And I have made a BOLD decission that I would use Windows.If I could find a way to Talk thru Gtalk (Yeh Am dwndling Gtalk nw )..and Yahoo Msngr..i wud Simpl stick wid ma Ubuntu...Bt i have to find a new XP cd as mine showd me a Blue Screen of Death kinda Screen...Windows Logon terminated unexpectedly...Crap dey wunt us to expect certain thgs or wht???

Damn u MS...Am trying to get over the Nightmare I had..Phew.............

Sunday, May 20, 2007

First Glimpse

XFCE Simply awsome..

As you knw Im using Ubuntu 6.06 (64bit) version and as you again knw that i luv ma linux..hehehe
Ok wht i wanna tell u ppl is tht i installd ma new Desktop Environment ,the XFCE (Here its knw as da XFCE4).... Jus one word....AWSOM

I started Synaptic and searched for "xfce"..The results woudl show you th e neccesary packages and there are 4 main packages that has to be downloaded and installed.Its a 9948KB download and some 54 MB hd space would be consumed...

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Microsoft .Net

For the past few weeks Ive been learning XML as part of my 3rd semester in NIIT but unfortunately our Sir got sick and now Anil sir is teaching us VB.Net in order to keep the trak steady. The first impression is good.Well Impressive i must say.

Anil sir is an excellent teacher and the way he teaches is so simple that we dont get confused. Today in my second class i learned how to create a simple windows form .Basically it was a simple form for user authentication

Visit http://www.defyallchallenges.com/ for more on Visual Studio 2005 ,which we are using.

Its hard for them to provide us Visual Studio 2005 as they use authenticated copy of it and they had to shell out some 2 lakhs Rs for the stuf..So i better rely on the pirated version..Poor me...

As long as piracy is NOT an offence in India ,people like me would continue using PIRATED s/ws....Poor developers.........

Sunday, May 06, 2007

RHEL 3 or RHEL 3AS????

Ever since i have started "WORKING" on my Linux cluster project, I have been facing all sorts of difficulties in moving forward with the work, startting frm finding the suitable linux distro=. From the manuals, Redhat is the prefered one and that too with a 2.4.X kernel as the 2.6 development of openMosix is stiil going on..(All da best to Moshe Bar n his team in SourceForge).Now that RHEL 3 supports SATA Im tryin my luck to download RHEL3 n using it .Truth is RHEL is nt free but someone did his best to provide a download path thru his FTP..

But we ran an openMosix cluster using 2 ClusterKnoppix CDs in the lab since it had a pre-compiled openMosix kernel (Thanx to Klaus Knopper)..But leme assure my self and my readers...Im nt done with it

When i wus bout to my system in December, i would have gone for a Intel one with a devent Graphics card to satisfy my Gamin needs .Bt i wus given a cool new config of ASUS A8N-VM Mobo wid an AMD64 3000+ + some goodies..I was happy wd it bt also had a doubt regarding its usefulnes wen it comes to studies n all....Many thngs that I coudl have done is now nt possible with the 64 bti proc. Im nt blaming mself..Its jus da fact that Im nt able to proceed with my linux ventures with the 64 bit limitations....DAMn me....

But i stll give a shot @ thngs and I swear that one day wen i get into a position when Im able to spend money from my pocket , I would buy a Intel Quad proc wid ASUS P5W or even Mobo.... I would make my Linux dream of Cluster happen and you can count on it(Atleast i would do it with old PCs Hehehe).....

I have to now start concentrating on some Scripting as it would prove to be handy in the coming years. Also i must try to read some theory in the SW Engng Concepts as i have to be more than 100% confident in tht...Hop everythign gona turn out good............

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Software Engineering An Engineering Approach ....

Wondered wid da topic?...This is the first book I ever bought with my money.Yes today after the NIIT class me and Justin with Swarup went to Arul Jyothi and had a Onniyan Oothapam..After that we went to British library. There a sale of Old books was organized and i was indicated about the same through an email. I dont knw what really happened @ that time, I searched for some money , and Traalaa.a.....There goes this book published by john Wiley & Sons, Inc. into my custoday.This ithe first time I am buying a book and since I urgently needed a personal copy of a SE book, I dint have any second thought in acquiring the book.

I feel really happy and the next 2 hours we spent there reading books...Man i JUS CANT RESIST the UT3 REVIEWS........Sexy game it is........
Then around 7 we left the place and I also borrowed a Redhat book which i would be returning soon as I find it useless with a faulty DVD..Yeah bt i wud try to read atleast a few good chapters from it..Hehehe...