I repent...Yes i do repent...You
wud ask me wt for,.,Well for wasting my money to a buy a plain CD and writing a copy of W
indowsXp Pro... I repent because I did piracy wrk..bt i repent for using Windows...
Yesterday, I was happy to find myself kicking some MeTaL AsS of Xan ..(Xan is the vliiain in UT)..I tuk a screen
shot of it and wus on cloud 9 . I also figured out that my Zone alram security Suite was ravaged by some virus.(Yea ZoneAlarm is an ANTI-IVRUS +
firewall Suite)....SO i downloaded AVG and updated.Upon running a Quick Scan ,it deteced runxppro.exe as a virus ..esp aTrojan/..Realising the threat,i hea
led it.I didnt realise that it was the last time i was seeing my XP. Yes ,from the next booting .Im nt able to login to Xp as it gets logd out automatically.
La8r i realised th
at the runxppro.exe ,apart from being a funny process of the Mac Os X theme i installed it was an IMP one too.
But man , i just started hating Windows .And I have made a BOLD decission that I would use Windows.If I could find a way to Talk thru Gtalk (Yeh Am dwndling Gtalk nw )..a
nd Yahoo Msngr..i wud Simpl stick wid ma Ubuntu...Bt i have to find a new XP cd as
mine showd me a Blue Screen of Death kinda Screen...Windows Logon termin
ated unexpectedly...Crap dey wunt us to expect certain thgs or wht??? Damn u MS...Am trying to get over the Nightmare I had..Phew.............