Sunday, June 17, 2007

(Courtesy BBC World /Click)

Warnings of 'internet overload'

This week on Click (Yes one of my Fav in BBC World ) Spencer was talking about Internet Overload. Over the past few years Internet has very well affected our lives both in a good way as well as in the bad way. In the program he tries to highlight the changes that has taken place in the industry over the year.

"Back in the early 90s, those of us that were online were just sending text e-mails of a few bytes each, traffic across the main US data lines was estimated at a few terabytes a month, steadily doubling every year"
As mentioned in it , yes Internet was widely used simply to send text mails and now its even bigger chunks of data that is being sent in the form of video and audio.

"But digital meltdown is not the only threat facing the net. There are other, more sudden, real world hazards which the net has to protect against.

Anything from terror attacks to, would you believe it shark bites, can and have taken out major links and routers."

Well the threat possesed is also iminent , but is it something that could really happen?

LEDS Discuss the matter then friends.............

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