Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Trick to lock your Private folder..using Java

Basically this program came to my mind some 1 week back and so did i mention it in my blog. Well after days of "hard work", finally i finished the base version of the software to create a Lock(which is a .bat file) using which access is denied to a person, or rather would like to say a Non-administrator. It pops up a JFileChooser(used to check /open a file or folder ) and once you have entered the directory, the program creates a lock.bat whose content is something like

ren movies movies.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

where the movies can be the folder/directory name. In the upcoming versions I would like to include a quite- so- good Gooi where the user could see the directory listing on the left and the files on the right hand side of the pane like the Ubuntu "Computer", which I think would require Split Pane..may be...Hehehe

I am adding screeshots of the program in action. Below in the first Image you can see a "temp" directory inside H:/ (sorry am using Windows this time) .Now upon clickg open, you'll be making lock.bat.

Now as you can see in the following figure, there is a log.bat and this restrict a less previlidged user like the HOME user I have to delete the file..hehe

The first Bug of this program is that IT COMPLETELY RESTRICT THE USER FROM DELETING ANY FILE...:D...

So better start working on it..das wht am thinking now...
You could get the code from Open Projects for all

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